Wiley Wiggins – Didaktik Gama

Didaktik Gama is a collection of digital games, media art, and artifacts– created and curated by Wiley Wiggins. We invite you to enter into a playful space located at the pithead of the dungeon of history and the mirage of utopia, of extraction and creation, hope and despair– all guaranteed to be within safe radiation levels as established by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Wiley Wiggins is an interdisciplinary artist and curator working with digital games and playful media. His multifaceted career includes roles as an actor, animator, interaction designer, and board member of the Juegos Rancheros arts nonprofit. During his time at Juegos Rancheros he produced the Fantastic Arcade international games festival in Austin, Texas.
Wiggins holds undergraduate degrees with honors in animation and design as well as a Master of Fine Arts degree in Media Art from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he studied as a resident of the UCLA Game Lab.