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Heather Sundquist Hall - Comfort Coast

Virtual Show
November 2020
Recspec Gallery presents Comfort Coast, a virtual opening and showcase of new work created by Heather Sundquist Hall during this tumultuous year. Heather’s paintings are heavily drawn from memories, nostalgia and stories - giving a sense of comfort and familiarity in an increasingly unfamiliar world. 
Heather Sundquist Hall is an illustrator based in Smithville, Texas. She grew up on Long Island in New York before moving to Philadelphia to pursue a BFA in Fine art. After a decade in Philly, as Art teacher and Montessori guide, she hightailed it for Texas where she has been since 2012. Heather’s freelance work has been featured in numerous publications in the Austin area and beyond. Her personal art has been exhibited in galleries in Texas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland.

This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.


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