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Demons & Devils

October 2019
Group show co-curated with Katie Cowden

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for each of us, and we are asking our artists to show us what that looks like to them. From out of dark of folklore and occultism, and from deep inside ourselves. Through this show we want to embrace the contrast – the light and the dark, the good and the bad, the holy and the evil in us all. The devil is in the details. 
Featuring work by 

Aaron deGruyter (Austin, Texas)
Annie Alonzi (Austin, Texas)
Becky Munich (New York)
BRIKS (Austin, Texas)
Carl Block (Waxahachie, Texas)
Christopher Payne (Austin, Texas)
Fyodor Pavlov (Manhattan, NY)
Gorgy Loosen (Austin, Texas)
Grace Gibson (Austin, Texas)
Gutrot (Austin, Texas)
Henry Hablak (Philadelphia, PA)
James Coffman (Portland, Oregon)
Jeremy Burks (Austin, Texas)
Katie Cowden (Austin, Texas)
Kevin Muñoz (Austin, Texas)
Ricardo Oviedo (Dallas, Texas)
Susan Elnora (Richmond, Virginia)
Tyler Skaggs (Austin, Texas)

Cocktails provided by Waterloo Gin


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